
15 Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

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9. Do a DIY spa moment before bed. Taking a hot bath can raise your body temp slightly, then lower it when you get into your bed – the same thing your body does before sleep, therefore bringing it on faster.

10. On a similar note, add Epsom Salts to your bath if you’re having trouble sleeping! It’s meant to relax your body and relieve muscle fatigue, and is known as a gentle detox bath.

11. Stay away from caffeine after 2pm. Caffeine can stay in your system up to 8 hours, and keep you up even in the later hours. Stick to herbal tea instead.

12. Try to stay cool at night. Being overheated is a big reason for restless sleeping. Don’t over-chill the room, though. Between 67-70 fahrenheit is optimal.




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