There are literally dozens of Indian spices and herbs we use everyday for cooking, without even thinking of them as something else besides tasty additions to our food. Even if you don’t make Indian food that often, you use black pepper or you at least eat it in your food almost every day. But did you know that these herbs and spices can potentially speed your metabolism? Some of them can make you feel full throughout the day and therefore they are good as a part of your diet plan. So don’t be afraid of using Indian spices and herbs every day!
1. Cinnamon is one of the most popular spices people use to spice their food and drinks a bit. Cinnamon is an Indian spice, but it has been very famous in western world for a long time. But did you know that cinnamon is also one of the best spices for weight loss? The reason for this is that it actually stabilizes blood sugar levels and keep you full for a longer time. That’s why you wont feel hungry and your metabolism will work faster!