DIY Skincare Hacks (Acne Scars, Bruises & Discoloration)
Here are some DIY solutions for common skincare problems brought to us by Rachel Talbott.
She tests all of her ideas before sharing them on her blog and YouTube channel. Rachel recommends to always discuss your skin care concerns with a dermatologist or esthetician. Plus, you should always test any new hacks or products on a small area of your skin first just to make sure that it is not irritating.
I’ve included one of your mixtures to help get rid of acne scars.
How to Brighten & Diminish Acne Scarring
Step 1
Step 2
1 Cup Water
Half a Cup Oatmeal
**1-2 Lemon Drops
**1 Tsp Cinnamon (Optional. Avoid in sensitive skin types)
Step 3
Serum for Acne Scars & Hyper-Pigmentation:
1 oz sweet almond oil
2 drops of sandalwood essential oil
**3 drops of lemon essential oil
How to Brighten Elbows, Knees, and Armpits
Step 1
1/2 Cup Coconut Oil
**3 Drops of Lemon Essential Oil
2 Cups of Sugar
Step 2
Natural Brightening Mask:
1 tbsp. Mashed Avocado
1 tbsp. Honey
1 tbsp. Cucumber Juice
**1/2 tbsp. Lemon Juice
Step 3
Soothing Body Moisturizer with Aloe:
4 ounces shea butter
1/2 ounce Vitamin E oil
1.5 ounces jojoba oil
1 ounce vegetable glycerin
2 teaspoons aloe vera gel
1 tablespoon rice powder
How to Diminish Scars
Bentonite Clay Mask (avoid mixing with metal utensils)
Vitamin E Oil
**Lavender Oil
How to Brighten Bruises
Step 1
**Vinegar & Warm Water
Applied by cotton ball drive blood away from bruise to diminish appearance.
Step 2
Arnica Montana Tablets
Step 3
Essential Oils for Bruises:
Find out more about Rachel here: http://racheltalbott.com/