We are living in a world loaded with all kinds of dangerous chemicals and toxins, pesticides, artificial food products, indoor and outdoor pollution, and first or secondhand smoke, which expose our bodies on a harmful influence which seriously affects our health.
In order to restore health and avoid additional side-effects, we need to flush those toxins out from time to time. The followings symptoms indicate that your body desperately needs a detoxification:
Chronic headaches are often a symptom of toxic buildup in the body. “The major cause of both tension headaches and migraines is the retention of toxins or tissue irritants within the central nervous system.”
Yellow or White Tongue
The color of the tongue often indicates the condition of the body and may reveal high toxic levels. Namely, toxic foods impede the proper digestion, and the delicate mucus, which has its effects on the tongue. Thus, if the tongue has a white or yellow film, the digestive system is fighting to remove toxins from the body.
The natural mechanism of the body to flush out toxins is through sweating. Therefore, if your body overheats and you sweat a lot, it may be trying to get rid of the toxic buildup.
Insomnia is often caused by accumulated toxins, especially estrogen buildup. You need to cleanse the liver if you have troubles sleeping, as insomnia is often related to the liver. You can try consuming juices of cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower.
Skin Problems
The skin will also attempt to remove toxins from the body, leading to numerous skin conditions. “If the main organs of elimination are not working effectively then the skin will step in to help. The skin then tries to help eliminate the toxins by allowing the toxins to come out through as skin rashes or skin conditions.”
Belly Fat
The belly fat can be significantly increased by the ingestion of toxins, as they will enter the belly and stay in the abdominal area. The belly fat can be reduced by a detox method only.
Many foods we consume increase the blood sugar levels, and afterward, when these levels are reduced, lead to feelings of tiredness and lethargy. The toxic buildup in the body reduces the energy and ability of the body to function properly.
If you experience the symptoms below, it means that your body needs to get rid of the toxins. Therefore, you can easily find a natural and safe detox method and treat all these symptoms and support overall health.